Product Details:    
Ubidecarenone Lycopene Omega 3 Wheat Germ Oil Calcium Ascorbate Vitamin B12 Selenium Dioxide Zinc Soft Gelatin


  Indication & Use:   
It is usually prescribed as a nutritional supplement to lower 
the prevalence of inadequate intakes of this nutrients. It may also be
used to improve overall health and different disease conditions

  About Composition:   

Coenzyme Q10 is most commonly used for conditions that affect the heart such as heart
failure and fluid build up in the body (congestive heart failure or CHF), chest pain (angina),
and high blood pressure. It is also used for preventing migraine headache, Parkinson disease,
and many other conditions.

Lycopene has been investigated in clinical trials for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and CNS
effects, as well as for use in cancer prevention, cardiovascular disease, dental hygiene,
and diabetes

EPA Eicosapentaenoic Acid
Eicosapentaenoic acid is taken by mouth for some heart-related conditions including clogged
heart arteries (coronary artery disease), to prevent or treat heart attacks, and to reduce levels
of blood fats called triglycerides in people with very high levels

DHA 10% (Docosahexaenoic Acid
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is essential for the growth and functional development of the brain in
infants. DHA is also required for maintenance of normal brain function in adults. The inclusion of
plentiful DHA in the diet improves learning ability, whereas deficiencies of DHA are associated
with deficits in learning.

Mixed Carotenoids
Mixed carotenoids are a dietary supplement made from a blend of carotenoids, which are
plant-based compounds that give fruits and vegetables their bright colors. They are
believed to have antioxidant properties and may help protect against certain diseases.

Wheat Germ Oil (GLA )
It helps to maintain good skin, nails, and safeguard against cardiovascular issues. Wheatgerm
is full of protein, energy, power and contains several vitamins and minerals like vitamin E,
calcium, folate, selenium, etc.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
It helps the body make collagen, an important protein used to make skin, cartilage, tendons,
ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is needed for healing wounds, and for repairing and
maintaining bones and teeth. It also helps the body absorb iron from nonheme sources.

Piperine has many pharmacological effects and several health benefits, especially against
chronic diseases, such as reduction of insulin-resistance, anti-inflammatory effects,
and improvement of hepatic steatosis.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
It's used to treat and prevent vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia (when you have low levels
of this vitamin in your body). Your body requires vitamin B12 to make red blood cells.
You can get it from your food or supplements, but sometimes there may not be enough
vitamins in what you eat.

Selenium is a natural mineral that plays an important role in many of the body's most essential
functions. For example, research suggests selenium helps to protect respiratory function, fertility,
reproductive health, thyroid function, and the body's ability to fight off infection.

Zinc Sulfate
Medically it is used along with oral rehydration therapy. It acts as a coagulant in the production
of rayon. It is used as a preservative for leathers. It is used in zinc electroplating as an electrolyte.

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