Product Details:   
D-Scale Lotion

100 ml Lotion

Indication & Use:    
Psoriasis,Vitiligo and other pigment related skin condition.

About Composition:
Karanj(pongamia pinnata)
used for skin disorders. All parts of Karanja tree (roots, flowers, leaves, bark)
are used for medicinal purposes. Karanja is widely used in managing constipation
as it helps to improve gut motility and has a laxative property.

Yashtimadhu(glycyrrhiza glabra)
used effectively in prevention and treatment of oral mucositis post radiation and
chemotheraphy in patients of cancer, especially of the head and neck region.

Neem (azadirachta indica)
Neem extracts can be used against hundreds of pests and fungal diseases that attack food crops.

Kumari aloe vera
Aloe vera juice is a rich source of antioxidants, which help fight free radicals

Bakuchi (psoralea corylifolia)
used since centuries in leukoderma, psoriasis, vitiligo, asthma, ulcers, kidney disorders, and
as an aphrodisiac and an anti-inflammatory.

Indrajau oil(wrightia tinctoria)
used to treat seizures, wounds, jaundice, leukaemia, gynaecological disorders, toothache,
headache, dandruff, diarrhoea and skin disorders like psoriasis, eczema, scabies

Til oil (sesamum oil)
Til oil repairs the damaged skin cells and the presence of fatty acids and vitamins
reduce wrinkles, fine lines and enlarged pores

Narikel oil(cocus nucifera)
hyper-acidity, burning micturition, retention of urine, provide physical strength, burning
sensation of body during measles and herpes, diarrhea, thirst and gynecological disorders.

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